I have been experimenting with a pretty cool technique of late, to extend the dynamic range of my camera. I have been dong HDR composites of Architecture with a tripod mounted camera for some time, to combat the often excessive DR needed to avoid burning out windows, and getting detail out of the shadows.
But what about hand held HDR composites? I do not usually take a tripod out with me when I go out for a walk in the mountains. I used Capture One, to make these composites. The HDR does a pretty good job of matching the 3 frame composites. You need to bee pretty careful in keeping the camera pointing in the same place. I usually use the 10 sec timer in my Z7, to automatically trigger the three frame sequence one after the other.
First shot is an architectural subject that was in deep shadow on a sunny day. I managed to get detail in the sky and did not have to do a lot off on the sunlit mountains.
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This was a backlit landscape shot, with very bright clouds.
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