For cameras I've always checked out Jim's site to see the readout speeds of the sensor first. It can be invaluable IMO. His work even goes to the lengths of testing the crop mode of certain cameras with different readout speeds compared to when the camera is in FF. So Jim might not realise it, but it is one heck of a resource for that, so thanks Jim.
Even with slow readout speeds with bird wing movement it doesn't happen that much, very seldom in fact, but does show up now and again. It's a totally different story if the bird in flight has lets say, trees behind it, that tends to tilt the trees and on a heck of an angle at that, the same goes for fence posts etc. Wing movements are not that much of an issue, but it can raise it's head now and again, it's the backgrounds when tracking that's the main issue.
Anyway, Jim thanks for what you do with this and the testing. You might be surprised how many use it to help buy gear with 😉