Not right? I don't know which way the sensor reads. Of course it reads across the short side, if that's what you're asking. As I said, one shot was panning toward the right and the other shot was panning toward the left.
I can't comment with any authority about electronic shutter cameras other than mine, but the other poster was confident that the A6300 sensor is much slower.
I told you earlier that the distortion is determined by a combination of the readout speed and the panning speed. If your camera's sensor is slower and you're getting a similar level of distortion as I got with mine, it simply means you were panning at a different speed.
not by the look of the test images. i cant pan any faster ,i even pre focus swing the camera till the subject hits the center and take the shot. that would be like panning a race car. after reading reviews on the 1v3 every states that nikon over stated the specs and back then everyone did.
I told you why yours look similar: you were panning slower. Your slower sensor shows the same level of distortion when panned at slower speeds than mine.
Bullshit. I also pointed out that the V3 can sync electronic shutter with normal flash (not HSS) at 1/60s. So we know it's at least 1/60s, and testing has shown it to be 1/80s. Why do you resist accepting that?
they said my em12 could sync at 1/60 sec as well but i couldn't get any more the 1/15 😉
isnt it funny looking back, i just read the specs 50 secs to clear 40 images 😆 they called it the speed demon 🤔 shoots video for 10 mins max 3 min at 120 frames at 240x 320 or something like that. why i love my 74 there is no buffer clearing time even if i shoot a 400 image stack. no blackout evf. my a6300 is ok but still a dog by comparison.
Whoever 'they' are and whatever 'they' said, the V3 x-sync at 1/60s is a fact. It's in the manual, and it's in the camera, and I can shoot with flash at 1/60s with no issues.
As usual, I'm not even sure what you're trying to say. Are you finding things to disparage about the V3 because you don't like the fact that its readout speed is far faster than your camera? This thread isn't a pissing contest. It's an exercise in correcting your misconceptions.
not putting down the v1. just an interesting read from 10 yold cameras that were state of the art. were so fast at somethings ans so slow at others. so the bottle neck will always make a camera more difficult to use in the real world. its like the a93 can shoot 120 frames for 1.6 secs takes 11 secs to clear and can only shoot 105 jpegs before the buffer fills.
Okay then. Again, I've been talking about the V3 ... but I also have a V1 as a backup. It's not nearly as versatile as the V3.
The Nikon 1 series is full of contradictions. Each of the 11 models supports 1/60s flash sync with electronic shutter. The AF system in the better models is extremely good for its time. But there are also plenty of irritating shortcomings when compared to other systems. I like my Nikon 1 cameras, but they can't take the place of my other cameras that have very different strengths and weaknesses.